If you need help using this service, please visit umaine.edu/campusrecreation/webtrac/ before calling or emailing for help. Navigate this site by clicking on 1) the images below or 2) clicking the Search button in the blue bar at the top of the page. UMaine employees' and students' accounts are registered under their @maine.edu email account. If you do not know what email address is listed on your account, please click Forgot Username function and try several email addresses. If you've already tried the Forgot Username and Reset Password buttons, but you have not received an email giving your Username and a link to reset your password (or you got an error message when you tried), then you may call 207-581-1082 (for fastest service during business hours) or (much slower) email [email protected].
Please call 207-581-1082 (Rec Center) or 207-581-1794 (Maine Bound) for help, or visit our WebTrac help page at umaine.edu/campusrecreation/webtrac

Membership Renewals
Membership Renewals

Session-Based Fitness
Black Bear Fit, Pink Gloves Boxing, and More!

Maine Bound Programs
Maine Bound is UMaine's Outdoor Adventure Program, which offers comprehensive outdoor experiences for students and community members of all skill levels.
Member Visit Reports
Does your employer reimburse you based on your visits? Log in, then click here for a visit report you can submit for proof!

Locker Rentals
Locker Rentals Are Back!

Racquetball Court Reservations
Racquetball Court Reservations Are Back!
If you need help using this service, please visit umaine.edu/campusrecreation/webtrac before calling or emailing for help. Navigate this site by clicking on 1) the images below or 2) clicking the Search button in the blue bar at the top of the page.
Current (not future) UMaine employees' and students' accounts are registered under their @maine.edu email account. If you do not know what email address is listed on your account, please click Forgot Username function and try several email addresses. If you've already tried the Forgot Username and Reset Password buttons, but you have not received an email giving your Username and a link to reset your password (or you got an error message when you tried), then you may call 207-581-1082 (for fastest service during business hours) or (much slower) email [email protected].